How does the employer mandate apply to controlled groups?
The Affordable Care Act's employer mandate requires applicable large employers (ALEs) to offer their employees affordable health insurance that provides minimum …

20 affordable benefits to offer
Attracting and retaining employees. Without skilled workers, your organization can't compete. Employers must improve employee engagement and enhance their compa …

How nonprofits can offer health insurance
Rising healthcare costs make it difficult for many small employers to offer quality health benefits. This can be especially true for nonprofit organizations. Wi …

What is internal marketing, and how can it benefit your business?
When people think of marketing, they generally picture one type of marketing strategy. But there are actually many different kinds of marketing. External market …

Small business health insurance options
As a small or mid-sized business owner, you may find the rising cost of health insurance challenging. The cost of group health insurance and its strict particip …

Which health plans are ACA-compliant?
As an employer or HR professional, you know that navigating complex Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements can be challenging. From the employer mandate to mark …

What is healthcare reimbursement?
As an employer, you know that offering health benefits is key to attracting and retaining top employees. But, traditional group health insurance can be expensiv …

What can an HRA reimburse?
Offering health benefits can be expensive and complex, especially for small businesses. That’s why health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) are becoming a popul …

What is group health insurance?
For decades, traditional group health insurance has been the go-to employee benefit. According to KFF1, 60.4% of people had employer-sponsored health insurance …