Why are employers moving to a four-day workweek?
Many employers are embracing the idea of a four-day workweek, where employees work fewer hours but still receive the same pay as a standard 40-hour week. Accord …

12 types of employee stipends and examples of each
Offering robust employee benefits can greatly help companies that are looking to attract and retain top talent. In addition to offering traditional benefits lik …

Why your organization needs to invest in employee development
Business owners need teams that continue to innovate and grow to remain successful. Hiring top talent is essential to growing your organization, but promoting i …

What is a summary of benefits and coverage (SBC)?
Whether you’re shopping for an individual insurance policy or evaluating a health plan offered through your job, determining whether a health plan offers the ri …

Five ways to support your employees’ mental health
Burnout and job stress can have a negative impact on your employees’ physical and mental health. While traditional group health insurance may help your employee …

What is the No Surprises Act?
According to the federal government, medical debt in the U.S. has reached $111 billion1. While this number is down from $143 billion in 2018, it’s still the gre …

Does an HRA work with Medicare?
Medicare is a valuable insurance option for U.S. citizens aged 65 or older and young people with disabilities. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medic …

What is a travel stipend?
Helping employees achieve a good work-life balance is important for maintaining your team’s morale and avoiding employee burnout. This is particularly important …

Top three types of employer-sponsored health coverage
It's no surprise that health insurance consistently ranks as the benefit employees value most in the U.S. That's why offering a quality health benefit is an ess …