Understand MAGI with these 4 surprisingly simple tips
Confused about how to accurately calculate MAGI? Learn four tips for understanding and calculating Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI).
Expert insights on health benefits for your small or midsized business.
Confused about how to accurately calculate MAGI? Learn four tips for understanding and calculating Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI).
Questions on the Health Insurance Premium Tax Credits? We have answers. Here are the most common FAQs on Health Insurance Premium Tax Credits.
What clients need to know about the Marketplace auto-enrollment option for health plans. Consumers may find costly surprises with auto-enrollment.
A state by state look at Marketplace Tax Credit eligibility. The number of people eligible for premium tax credits by state.
Health insurance tax credit fraud. Will the IRS be ready to handle fraud with the health insurance tax credits?
Premium Tax Credit FAQs and employer coverage. FAQs on the premium tax credit and employer coverage.
Same-sex couples now considered married for federal tax purposes. IRS ruling on same-sex marriages affects HRAs.
Under the ACA the eligibility requirements for Medicaid and tax credits are to be based on an individual’s modified adjusted gross income
How will the reconciliation of the individual health insurance subsidy payments work? Overview of the reconciliation for health insurance subsidies.
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