Are health insurance costs tax-deductible?
Knowing which business expenses are eligible for deductions is important during tax time. Employers often want to know if the health insurance they purchase for …

Gross pay vs. net pay: What's the difference?
Once you hire an employee, you’re responsible for accurately calculating their paycheck. Whether you employ hourly or salaried workers, you must understand the …

Tax-free vs. tax-deferred vs. taxable health benefits
According to our 2024 Employee Benefits Survey, 92% of employees rated health benefits as important. Offering them can help you effectively recruit and retain t …

What is Form W-3?
As a small business owner, you're likely familiar with Form W-2. Now that you've hired your first employees, however, you've probably also seen the term “W-3 fo …

Form 720 and PCORI fee FAQs
If you're a small business owner, you may have heard of the acronym PCORI and the fees that come with it. But what is PCORI, and how does it apply to your organ …

How HRAs affect premium tax credit eligibility
With a stand-alone health reimbursement arrangement (HRA), employers can reimburse employees tax-free for their healthcare costs. Unlike traditional group healt …

Can I pair employer benefits with premium tax credits?
Many employers are moving away from traditional group health insurance by offering more affordable and flexible health benefits like health reimbursement arrang …

What is the Additional Medicare Tax for high earners?
High-wage earners pay more than the standard tax payment for Medicare on their individual income tax returns each year. If you employ highly compensated employe …

Pre-tax vs. after-tax medical premiums
For employers and employees, health insurance costs are often one of the largest expenses to budget for each month. As healthcare costs continue to rise, consum …