6 FAQs on QSEHRA reimbursement
In December 2016, Congress revised and revived a popular employee benefits option: the health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Many users of the new qualified s …

Average Reimbursement Plan Allowances by State
In the face of rising health costs nationwide, reimbursement plans like the new qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangement (QSEHRA), by which bus …

How to Set a QSEHRA Budget
The following are excerpts from our free eBook, The Comprehensive Guide to the Small Business HRA . If you’re ready to offer employees more flexible options for …

Why spousal benefits are key to employee retention
For many small businesses, employee retention efforts include offering comprehensive health insurance benefits. However, rising health costs have caused some bu …

Health care sharing ministries and the QSEHRA
Since the passage of the Small Business Healthcare Relief Act (SBHRA) as part of the 21st Century Cures Act, people enrolled in healthcare sharing ministries ha …