Seven strategies to set a QSEHRA budget
The qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangement (QSEHRA) offers small businesses a cost-effective way to provide healthcare benefits to their empl …

Are QSEHRA reimbursements taxable?
Since their inception, health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) have helped business owners across the U.S. offer affordable and customizable health benefits to …

Pros and cons of the individual coverage HRA
Many see health benefits as one-size-fits-all, but nowadays, employees expect customization and flexibility. That mindset helped boost the popularity of health …

What is open enrollment?
As each year ends, employers and employees must start making plans for the new year—and their health coverage is no exception. November through January is gener …

Can an employer contribute different amounts toward employee medical insurance?

How to calculate your premium tax credit with a QSEHRA
If your employer offers you a qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangement (QSEHRA), you can use that health benefit to be reimbursed for your indi …

How to set up a qualified small employer HRA (QSEHRA)
As a small business owner, it can be challenging to offer competitive employee benefits that attract and retain top talent. The rising costs of traditional grou …

Does an HRA work with Medicare?
Medicare is a valuable insurance option for U.S. citizens aged 65 or older and young people with disabilities. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medic …

Small group health insurance for beginners
For many small employers, offering health insurance plans to employees can be a real challenge. They have to navigate unique challenges like having less bargain …