PeopleKeep ICHRA affordability calculator helps employees make informed decisions
In September, PeopleKeep launched a new online tool to help employers easily compare the cost of an individual coverage HRA (ICHRA) to the cost of their current …

What a Biden Administration may mean for ICHRA and QSEHRA benefits
As Americans start to absorb the outcome of the elections, many businesses and nonprofit organizations are asking what a new, Democrat-led presidential administ …

The First 9 Months of ICHRA Report
When news of the new Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) broke last year, most everyone in the healthcare industry, employee benefit ad …

Easily compare group and individual insurance plans with our new tool
Just in time for 2021 Open Enrollment, PeopleKeep yesterday launched a new online tool, the ICHRA decision tool. With this tool, organizations finally have a wa …

Can I offer QSEHRA to employees in different states
It’s easy for employers to offer an individual coverage HRA (ICHRAs) to employees located in other states, but is the same true for qualified small employer HRA …

Can section 125 plans be used with an ICHRA?
Both individual coverage HRAs (ICHRAs) and cafeteria plans (section 125 plans) help employees save on medical costs, but can they be combined? Read more to lear …

ICHRA affordability and premium tax credits
Editors note: A newer, more detailed version of this blog post is available, called "The ICHRA and premium tax credits: What are the rules?" On June 13, 2019, t …

The 2-minute ICHRA guide
PSA: This is not an in-depth overview of the ICHRA. If that’s what you’re after, our comprehensive ICHRA guide is your best friend. Consider this the SparkNotes …

What we learned in the first 90 days of the individual coverage HRA
The long-anticipated individual coverage HRA (ICHRA) finally went into effect on January 1, 2020. Since then, PeopleKeep has worked with hundreds of employers t …