Does COBRA apply to health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs)?
As alternative health benefits solutions to traditional group health insurance, such as health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), grow, so do questions about ho …

ICHRA reporting requirements: What you need to know
As the year comes to a close, end-of-year reporting is at the top of many employers' and plan administrators' to-do lists—especially for business owners adminis …

How to set up an individual coverage HRA (ICHRA)
Group health insurance may be the traditional employee health coverage option, but it doesn’t work for everyone. If you’re an employer looking for an affordable …

What to expect when your employer offers you an ICHRA
If you work for a company that offers employee benefits, you may be familiar with options like group health insurance and retirement plans. However, you may not …

Group health insurance vs. ICHRA
Employee healthcare benefits play a crucial role in attracting and retaining talent, as well as promoting overall well-being in the workplace. Traditionally, gr …

A comparison of popular HRA administrators
Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) have gained traction with employers nationwide because they're flexible, easy to implement, and customizable. However, …

How ERISA affects ICHRA
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act1 of 1974 (ERISA) is a federal law that governs employee benefit plans, including employer-sponsored health insurance …

Pros and cons of the individual coverage HRA
Many see health benefits as one-size-fits-all, but nowadays, employees expect customization and flexibility. That mindset helped boost the popularity of health …

What is open enrollment?
As each year ends, employers and employees must start making plans for the new year—and their health coverage is no exception. November through January is gener …