Is the ICHRA good for employees?
As healthcare costs rise, it's important to find a health coverage solution that benefits both employers and employees. Many organizations turn to the individua …

5 steps to a successful ICHRA launch
The individual coverage health reimbursement arrangement (ICHRA) is a flexible and innovative way for employers to offer health benefits to their employees. How …

How does the ICHRA special enrollment period work?
Employees looking to participate in their employer’s individual coverage health reimbursement arrangement (ICHRA) need a qualifying individual health insurance …

15 individual coverage HRA (ICHRA) FAQs
Traditional group health insurance is the standard route for many business owners looking to offer a health benefit. However, its rate increases and one-size-fi …

Who is eligible for the individual coverage HRA (ICHRA)?
Group health insurance remains a popular employer-sponsored benefit in the United States. But traditional group health plans are too costly for many employers. …

Determining ICHRA affordability in 2025
If you're an applicable large employer (ALE) with 50 or more full-time equivalent employees (FTEs), your organization is subject to more regulations than smalle …

Does the ICHRA satisfy the employer mandate?
If the federal government considers your organization an applicable large employer (ALE), you’re subject to specific Affordable Care Act (ACA) rules. Navigating …

What is an ICHRA?
Imagine being able to offer a health benefit without the cost or complexity of a group plan. This is the idea behind an individual coverage health reimbursement …

Which health reimbursement arrangement is right for your client?
As a broker, you must familiarize yourself with a wide range of health benefit options before recommending one to your client. Due to the rising interest in per …