Is the ICHRA good for employees?
As healthcare costs rise, it's important to find a health coverage solution that benefits both employers and employees. Many organizations turn to the individua …

Does an HRA work with Medicaid?
Medicaid is a government program that provides health insurance coverage to low-income individuals and families. It covers some of the most vulnerable populatio …

End-of-year HRA tips: How to use your funds before they expire
Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) are top-quality benefits that can help employees save on medical expenses throughout the year. This is especially true …

How startups can offer health coverage
According to the Commerce Institute1, 4.4 million businesses start up each year in the United States. Starting a business is an exciting yet challenging endeavo …

How to set up an HRA
Offering a full range of benefits is important for attracting and keeping employees. Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) enable business owners to offer an …

HRA administration: What features to expect from your provider
Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) have become popular with U.S. employers because they’re flexible, budget-friendly, and customizable. But like most heal …

The differences between partnering with a PEO or a broker
Small business owners know that top-quality employee benefits are the secret to attracting and retaining workers. Health coverage is often the most sought-after …

Health insurance options for vision clinic employees
The Vision Council1 found that nearly 64% of adult Americans wear prescription eyeglasses. That's 166.5 million people who rely on vision clinics for their comp …

The QSEHRA and HIPAA privacy requirements: What are the rules?
Small employers are increasingly seeking innovative ways to provide their employees with health benefits amid rising health insurance costs. The qualified small …