What is an hour bank arrangement for healthcare?
Because those who work in the construction industry face high risks of injuries and illnesses, it's important to provide them with healthcare benefits so they c …

Small group vs. large group health insurance
Traditional group health insurance is a type of health insurance plan employers offer their employees and their families at a discounted premium rate. Because o …

Health insurance options for the self-employed
Being self-employed comes with many benefits, like being your own boss and having control over your work schedule. However, one drawback is having to navigate t …

What does out-of-network provider mean?
As medical costs continue to rise across the U.S., more healthcare consumers are seeking ways to save. And while you may not be able to control many factors tha …

Increasing engagement in your health benefit
Employee health benefits are a crucial aspect of any company's overall benefits package. Not only do they help keep employees healthy and happy, but they can al …

What is a PEO and what does it have to do with insurance?
Many companies often turn to professional employer organizations (PEOs) to handle various HR functions, such as employee benefits and insurance. This allows sma …

Popular health insurance alternatives
Small businesses often face challenges when providing health insurance for employees due to the high costs associated with traditional group health insurance pl …

Guide to MEC plans
Some employers must provide a health insurance plan with minimum essential coverage (MEC) to avoid penalties under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and ensure empl …

Differences between HMO and PPO health plans
Whether you’re an individual searching for a health plan for yourself or your family, or an employer looking for a group health insurance policy for your staff, …