How the Affordable Care Act (ACA) varies by state
The federal government created the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 to extend health insurance coverage and reduce financial risk for unexpected medical expens …

Will health insurance be more expensive for the unvaccinated?
As the world continues to feel the effects of the global pandemic, health insurance professionals are speculating whether changes in health insurance costs coul …

Three ways to help employees become better health insurance consumers
According to data from the Kaiser Family Foundation, nearly half of the U.S. population gets their health insurance through their employer. That means half of t …

ICHRA and the employer mandate. What are the penalties?
The Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) employer shared responsibility provision defines employers with an average of 50 or more full-time employees during the previo …

A State by State Look at Marketplace Tax Credit Eligibility
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides financial assistance through premium tax credits for low and moderate income people who purchase coverage through new Hea …

Health Insurance Marketplace 'Coverage to Care' Campaign - Effective or Not?
This week, the Health Insurance Marketplaces launched a new marketing campaign called "From Coverage to Care". The campaign includes new print and video resourc …

Tip Sheet for Employees Newly Covered Under Marketplace Health Insurance
According to the Obama administration, approximately 2.1 million Americans enrolled in a personal health insurance plan for 2014 through new health insurance ma …

Tennessee Health Insurance Exchange Update - Health Plan Rates
This article provides a summary of the 2014 individual health insurance plan rates and carriers for the Tennessee Health Insurance Exchange. The Health Insuranc …

Texas Health Insurance Exchange Update - Health Plan Rates
This article provides a summary of the 2014 individual health insurance plan rates and carriers for the Texas Health Insurance Exchange.