How nonprofits can offer health insurance
Rising healthcare costs make it difficult for many small employers to offer quality health benefits. This can be especially true for nonprofit organizations. Wi …

What is group health insurance?
For decades, traditional group health insurance has been the go-to employee benefit. According to KFF1, 60.4% of people had employer-sponsored health insurance …

What is COBRA?
When an active employee who participates in your health plan leaves your company, their health benefits don’t necessarily end. Federal or state laws may require …

Understanding health insurance - A basic overview
Suppose you’re ready to select a health insurance policy for the first time—whether from your employer or the individual market. But as you start looking at hea …

What is a binder payment?
Imagine you’re shopping for health insurance on the individual market for the first time. You’ve filled out your application, chosen your policy, and now you’re …

What is guaranteed issue in health insurance?
Navigating the complexities of health insurance coverage is often a challenge, especially for those with known medical conditions. With so many choices, confusi …

What is an annual out-of-pocket maximum?
If you’ve recently shopped for health insurance, you likely saw the term “out-of-pocket maximum” when comparing plans. Don’t dismiss this number as a figure you …

What is reference-based pricing (RBP)?
If you're seeking a budget-friendly approach to providing health benefits, you might find fully-insured plans less than appealing. They're expensive and don't o …

What is actuarial value?
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires health insurance plans on the individual and small group markets to meet certain coverage levels. Each level of coverage …