What is direct primary care?
In 2023, almost 85% of U.S. adults visited a doctor or other medical professional1. Yet more than 100 million Americans don’t have regular access to primary hea …

What is an administrative services only (ASO) benefit plan?
Have you ever wondered how organizations offer employee heath benefits without the hassle and high costs of traditional health insurance plans? There are many w …

Can I reimburse employees for health insurance?
Rising healthcare costs can put a strain on your employees’ wallets. As you revamp your company’s employee benefits package, you may wonder if you can reimburse …

How startups can offer health coverage
According to the Commerce Institute1, 4.4 million businesses start up each year in the United States. Starting a business is an exciting yet challenging endeavo …

The least and most expensive states for individual health insurance
Having a health insurance plan is an excellent way to ensure you have access to the care you need to stay healthy. But depending on where you live, the cost of …

Five-minute guide to medical loss ratios (MLRs)
Have you ever wondered how your insurance company uses your premium payments? In addition to spending those dollars on medical claims, insurers use a portion of …

What is an EOB?
Have you recently had a doctor's office visit? If so, you likely received an explanation of benefits (EOB) in your mailbox. While it may seem like a bill, an EO …

How to set up an HRA
Offering a full range of benefits is important for attracting and keeping employees. Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) enable business owners to offer an …

What is Section 1557 of the ACA?
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a landmark piece of legislation that transformed the healthcare landscape. Among its many provisions, Section 1557 stands out a …