What is a deductible?
Have you seen the term “deductible” when shopping for a health insurance policy but aren’t sure what it means? Understanding your health insurance deductible is …

Top 25 health insurance companies in the U.S.
Offering or enrolling in health insurance is a significant decision for employers, individuals, and families. It can be overwhelming to know where to start, esp …

How the ICHRA is changing healthcare
Group health insurance has been the traditional option for employers seeking to offer health benefits. But these days, employers are searching for ways to bette …

Can I have an HRA and an FSA at the same time?
Does your employer offer you a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA)? if so, you have access to a flexible health benefit that empowers you to make your own he …

How your employee benefits package can foster inclusivity
The modern workplace showcases remarkable diversity. Currently, five generations coexist within the workforce, each with its own unique needs and challenges. Ad …

Top 8 health insurance terms to know
If you're shopping for a health plan for the first time, knowing key health insurance terms can be helpful. For example, choosing the best health insurance cove …

Can you have two health insurance plans?
Roughly 92% of Americans have some form of health insurance coverage1. Most individuals only have one health insurance plan, known as “primary” insurance. Howev …

What is stop-loss insurance?
If you’re an employer looking to offer group health insurance, you may look into a self-funded health plan instead of paying an insurance carrier for a fully-in …

The top 3 health benefit options for small businesses with one employee
There are 31 million entrepreneurs in the U.S.1 While it’s exciting to start your own business, it can be challenging—especially if you’re trying to grow from a …