Group Health Policies vs. Private Plan Reimbursement
Providing health insurance to employees can be expensive, but as you know, it is also an important part of retaining talent and keeping the best of the best at …

Why Aren’t 2.7 Million Employers Offering Health Insurance?
Small and medium-sized businesses are a large driving force in the U.S.’s economy. And though over half of the approximate 7.4 million employers in the country …

Protests Over Rising Healthcare Costs
The cat is out of the bag. Employees all over the U.S. are realizing healthcare costs far outweigh their incomes. But, is this new news, or has the cat been out …

How to Calculate Cost Savings: Group Health Insurance vs. Premium Reimbursement
As small and medium-sized employers evaluate health benefits, they consider two main approaches: group health insurance or reimbursing employees for individual …

The CEO's Guide to Evaluating Employee Health Insurance
CEOs at small and growing companies have various factors to consider with employee health insurance. Is cost your number one concern? Which benefits are most va …

Small Businesses Struggle to Offer Health Insurance
Small businesses make up the majority of employers in the US, and yet studies show that small businesses struggle the most with offering health insurance. There …

Employer Health Insurance vs. Individual Plans - Which is Better?
There are two primary categories of health insurance for small business owners to evaluate for themselves and employees: individual and family plans, or employe …

History of U.S. Health Insurance - Why Most Americans Get Health Benefits from Employers
Prior to World War II, most Americans paid for their own medical care, either directly to their chosen provider or through Blue Cross nonprofit health insurance …