Personalized health benefits blog

Expert insights on health benefits for your small or midsized business.

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Affordable Care Act

Which health plans are ACA-compliant?

Learn which health plans are ACA-compliant. Discover the requirements for coverage, essential benefits, and how to choose the right plan.

Affordable Care Act

How brokers can prepare for open enrollment

For brokers, preparing for open enrollment starts early. Our blog will cover why early preparation is important and post-open enrollment...

Affordable Care Act

What are the ACA essential health benefits?

This article covers what the ACA essential health benefits are, why the federal government created them, and how an HRA works under these rules.

Affordable Care Act

What is an association health plan (AHP)?

In this blog, we’ll explore what association health plans mean, how they differ from group plans, and what other options you have as a small business.

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