How to cultivate employee financial literacy
Financial literacy isn't something that's commonly taught in school. Unfortunately, this oversight is costing employees their hard-earned money. A report from t …

ICHRA administration for first-timers
Offering an individual coverage health reimbursement arrangement (ICHRA) is an effective way for employers to attract and support talented workers. With an ICHR …

What is guaranteed issue in health insurance?
Navigating the complexities of health insurance coverage is often a challenge, especially for those with known medical conditions. With so many choices, confusi …

What is an annual out-of-pocket maximum?
If you’ve recently shopped for health insurance, you likely saw the term “out-of-pocket maximum” when comparing plans. Don’t dismiss this number as a figure you …

What is reference-based pricing (RBP)?
If you're seeking a budget-friendly approach to providing health benefits, you might find fully-insured plans less than appealing. They're expensive and don't o …

What is actuarial value?
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires health insurance plans on the individual and small group markets to meet certain coverage levels. Each level of coverage …

Health insurance for employees in multiple states
Today, employers have access to tools that enable them to hire a remote workforce from all over the U.S. The ability to hire employees from multiple states is g …

Why do employers offer health insurance?
Health insurance is one of the most sought-after employee benefits. But you may not know why employers started providing it. Employer-sponsored insurance became …

What is minimum essential coverage (MEC)?
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), minimum essential coverage (MEC) is any health insurance coverage that meets the individual shared responsibility requireme …