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Alabama Health Insurance Exchange Update - Health Plan Rates

Health Exchange • October 3, 2013 at 12:00 PM • Written by: PeopleKeep Team

This article provides a summary of the 2014 individual health insurance plan rates and carriers for the Alabama Health Insurance Exchange.

The Health Insurance Exchanges ("Marketplaces") are new websites where state residents can go to compare and enroll in health insurance plans. All health insurance plans offered through these Exchanges cover a set of essential health benefits, are guaranteed-issue, and offer premium subsidies for eligible residents. 

Alabama Health Insurance Exchange - Carriers

Two insurance companies will be offering individual health insurance plans through Alabama’s Health Insurance Exchange. The carriers include:

  1. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama

  2. Humana Insurance Company

These insurance companies will be offering 13 different plans throughout the state. The health insurance exchange opened for enrollment on October 1, 2013 for coverage that can go into effect as early as January 1, 2014.

Alabama Health Insurance Exchange - Individual Health Plan Rates

The chart below shows the average rates for a 27-year-old, a 50-year-old, a family of four with 30-year-old parents and two children, a single-parent family of three with a 30-year-old parent and two children, a 40-year-old couple without children, and a child (under age 21). The plans are divided into four standard "metallic" tiers of coverage, to help compare plans by level of coverage. There are also catastrophic plans, which are meant to only cover health expenses in the case of emergency. These below are averages; premium rates will vary based on carrier, plan, age, region, family size, and tobacco use.

ChartAlabama resized 600Source: HealthCare.gov

Alabama Health Insurance Exchange - Federal Premium Subsidies

The average rates above reflect the prices of premium prices before any cost sharing or premium subsidies, which will further decrease healthcare costs for eligible residents. The actual amount that Alabama residents will pay depends on their household income. New federal health insurance tax subsidies will cap the cost of health insurance at 2% - 9.5% of household income, if household income is up to 400% above the federal poverty line (FPL).

See up-to-date Open Enrollment information with our guide.

PeopleKeep Team