How nonprofits can offer health insurance
Rising healthcare costs make it difficult for many small employers to offer quality health benefits. This can be especially true for nonprofit organizations. Wi …

Small business health insurance options
As a small or mid-sized business owner, you may find the rising cost of health insurance challenging. The cost of group health insurance and its strict particip …

Which health plans are ACA-compliant?
As an employer or HR professional, you know that navigating complex Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements can be challenging. From the employer mandate to mark …

What is healthcare reimbursement?
As an employer, you know that offering health benefits is key to attracting and retaining top employees. But, traditional group health insurance can be expensiv …

What can an HRA reimburse?
Offering health benefits can be expensive and complex, especially for small businesses. That’s why health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) are becoming a popul …

Understanding health insurance - A basic overview
Suppose you’re ready to select a health insurance policy for the first time—whether from your employer or the individual market. But as you start looking at hea …

What is a binder payment?
Imagine you’re shopping for health insurance on the individual market for the first time. You’ve filled out your application, chosen your policy, and now you’re …

ICHRA administration for first-timers
Offering an individual coverage health reimbursement arrangement (ICHRA) is an effective way for employers to attract and support talented workers. With an ICHR …

What is an annual out-of-pocket maximum?
If you’ve recently shopped for health insurance, you likely saw the term “out-of-pocket maximum” when comparing plans. Don’t dismiss this number as a figure you …