ACA employer mandate penalties flowchart
Is your organization subject to penalties under the ACA?
If you're an employer with U.S.-based employees, you need to be aware of the Affordable Care Act's employer mandate and the penalties associated with noncompliance. All organizations with 50 or more fulltime equivalent employees must offer a qualifying health benefit to at least 95% of its full-time workers. This coverage must be affordable and provide minimum essential coverage (MEC) and minimum value.
Our flowchart can help employers determine whether they're subject to the mandate's penalties. This tool is a starting point for understanding ACA compliance and penalties. You should consult with a benefits adviser or legal expert for personalized guidance.

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About the flowchart
Understanding the ACA’s employer mandate and the associated penalties is essential for maintaining compliance with the law. By offering health coverage that meets MEC, minimum value, and affordability requirements, you’ll avoid the ESRP penalties while improving employee retention and productivity at your organization.
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Learn more about PeopleKeep
What is PeopleKeep?
PeopleKeep is a personalized health benefits administration software company, part of Remodel Health. We serve small and midsize employers across many industries ranging from nonprofits, to high tech, to engineering. Because our software is intuitive and can be managed in minutes per month, we make providing benefits more accessible to organizations that do not want to manage complex and tedious administrative tasks.
Since starting as Zane Benefits in 2006, we've been the leader in cloud-based personalized benefits administration.
What other guides has PeopleKeep published?
As the industry leader in HRAs, PeopleKeep prides itself on publishing proprietary data on all things HRAs and employee benefits.
We release annual reports on the qualified small employer HRA (QSEHRA) and the individual coverage HRA (ICHRA).
What products does PeopleKeep offer?
We provide software that allows organizations to offer health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs). Learn more about each of our products below:
- Qualified small employer HRA (QSEHRA): A simple, controlled-cost alternative to group health insurance for employers with 1-49 employees.
- Individual coverage HRA (ICHRA): A flexible health benefit solution for employers of all sizes that can be used alone or alongside group health insurance.
- Group coverage HRA (GCHRA): A group health supplement for employers already offering a group health insurance plan to help employees with out-of-pocket expenses.
How much does a plan with PeopleKeep cost?
At PeopleKeep, we help you implement budget-friendly, compliant benefits without the hassle. Pricing will vary depending on which product you're interested in and how many employees you'll have enrolled in the benefit.