Defined contribution health plans
As healthcare costs continue to rise, more companies are turning to defined contribution health plans as a way to offer flexible and cost-effective benefits to their employees.
Want to know if a defined contribution health plan will work for your organization? Schedule a free consultation with one of our personalized benefits advisors.

Looking for a more cost-effective and flexible way to offer health benefits to your employees?
Rather than paying a portion of the costs to provide a traditional group health benefit like group health insurance, employers can control their costs by establishing a defined contribution health plan. You can implement these health benefit plans through the use of pre-funded accounts like a health savings account (HSA) or through a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA).
What is a defined contribution health plan?
A defined contribution health plan is a type of employer-sponsored benefit plan where the employer contributes a set amount of money toward the employee's healthcare expenses.
Typically, employees can use their defined contribution allowance toward qualified out-of-pocket expenses like insurance premiums, medication, and preventative care. But, this depends on the type of defined contribution plan the employer offers.
They allow employees to be more involved in their health benefit plans, which is especially important given the rise in healthcare consumerism. These plans shift the responsibility of choosing and managing health coverage from the employer to the employee, giving individuals more control over their healthcare options, the amount they pay for coverage, and the doctors they visit.
Transitioning from a group health plan to a defined contribution health plan mirrors the shift from a traditional pension plan to a 401(k) for employer-sponsored retirement plans. With a pension plan, employers guarantee a monthly check at retirement, but employees have no say over their investment options. They can also be much more expensive for employers. With a 401(k), employees own their individual accounts and have more control over their investment decisions. Plus, employers only contribute a set amount, usually matching the employee’s voluntary contributions.
With a defined contribution health plan, employers don’t need to pay for or manage a group plan. Some types of defined contribution plans, like HRAs, allow employees to select the individual health insurance plan of their choice and make payments toward healthcare costs out of their own finances upfront. Then, employers can reimburse them from the funds in their annual or monthly benefit allowance.
How defined contribution health plans work
Defined contribution health plans offer an alternative to "defined benefit" group health insurance. Just as employers moved away from defined retirement benefits like pensions toward defined contribution retirement plans such as 401(k)s, many are applying this plan formula to their health benefits programs.
There are three simple steps to the general strategy of a defined contribution health plan:
- Step 1: The employer offers each employee a fixed monthly dollar amount to spend on qualified medical expenses. This might be a direct contribution to a savings account or an allowance the employer agrees to reimburse employees for after the employee incurs an expense.
- Step 2: Employees select and purchase the individual or family health plan that works best for their individual needs. Employees may purchase their own policy directly from any health insurance company, through a broker, private exchanges, or the or state Health Insurance Marketplaces. Depending on the employee's plan documents, employees may also purchase several other healthcare products and services that qualify as eligible expenses.
- Step 3: The employer reimburses employees up to the amount of their defined contribution allowance, or the employee uses the funds in their HSA.
Defined contribution health plans by themselves aren’t health insurance plans. They give the employer control of employee benefits while still giving employees a choice.
Do defined contribution plans work for ALEs?
If you're an applicable large employer (ALE) with 50 or more full-time equivalent employees (FTEs), the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) employer mandate requires you to provide health insurance to at least 95% of your full-time workers who work more than 30 hours per week and their dependents. This coverage must meet minimum essential coverage (MEC) and minimum value standards.
You can meet the mandate's requirements if you offer an individual coverage HRA (ICHRA). An ICHRA requires employees to purchase individual insurance policies that meet MEC, allowing your organization to satisfy the law.
Employers must offer an affordable allowance to comply with the mandate.
See the individual coverage HRA (ICHRA) in action with our free demo video
The benefits of a defined contribution health plan
Now that we’ve explored what defined contribution health plans are, here’s why you might want to offer one to your employees.
It's a self-funded health or savings plan
A common reason employers use a defined contribution health plan such as an HSA or HRA is that they're self-funded health plans. This gives employers and employees greater control over how much they spend on healthcare benefits. With a fully-insured health plan, the insurance companies control the costs, and employers and employees alike often face expensive premiums. With a defined contribution health plan like an HRA, employers only pay out up to their set allowance amount.
It's a tax-free health benefit
Many employers who don't qualify for group health plans or simply can't afford them resort to offering taxable wage increases. This subjects your organization to additional federal income, Medicare, and Social Security payroll taxes. This method also doesn’t comply with the ACA for ALEs.
A defined contribution health plan is free of payroll taxes for both the employer and employee. As long as the employee uses their HRA allowance to purchase a policy with MEC, they can participate in the benefit making employers' benefit dollars stretch further.
It can work as a stand-alone benefit or alongside a group plan
On top of these benefits, a defined contribution health plan doesn't have to be a stand-alone benefit. Employers who are already offering a group health plan can offer a group coverage HRA (GCHRA), also known as an integrated HRA, alongside the group plan. There are a few ways to accomplish this, depending on your needs.
HRAs vs. HSAs
While HRAs and HSAs are both defined contribution plans, they work differently. Employers offer HRAs independently of group health insurance plans (except a GCHRA or excepted benefit HRA), while HSAs require HSA-eligible high deductible health plans (HDHPs).
There are also annual limits on employer and employee contributions with HSAs. Employees who are 50 and older have the option to make additional catch-up contributions. While there are annual contribution limits with a QSEHRA and EBHRA, other HRAs, like the ICHRA or GCHRA, have no limits on employer contributions.
Additionally, the employer owns and manages the HRA, as they're an arrangement instead of an account. However, the employee owns the HSA, meaning they can take their contributions and your contributions with them when they leave your organization. With an HRA, the unused funds stay with you.
Another significant difference is which expenses are eligible. With a stand-alone HRA, like the qualified small employer HRA (QSEHRA) or ICHRA, you can reimburse employees for individual health insurance premiums, dental and vision insurance premiums, and more. This allows you to offer an HRA instead of a group health plan. However, an HSA can’t pay for insurance premiums.
See how HRAs and HSAs compare with our chart.
Qualified small employer HRA
A powerful alternative to group health insurance made specifically for small employers.
Individual coverage HRA
A health benefit that enables employers to cover the individual insurance plans their employees choose.
Group coverage
A health benefit that employers can use to help employees with their out-of-pocket expenses.
QSEHRA | ICHRA | Group Coverage HRA | |
Business size restrictions |
The QSEHRA is only available to businesses with fewer than 50 FTE employees. |
None. | None. |
Annual contribution limits |
Employer contributions are limited to $6,350 for self-only employees and $12,800 for employees with a family in 2025. Businesses can't give employees different allowance amounts based on criteria other than family status. |
None. Organizations can give different employee classes different amounts. |
There are no minimum or maximum contribution requirements. Businesses can give different employees different allowance amounts based on job-based criteria. |
Group health policy requirements |
Employers can't offer a QSEHRA with a group health policy, including any group dental or vision plans. |
Employers can offer an ICHRA with a group health policy, but employees can't have a choice between the group policy and the HRA. Employers can still offer group dental and vision plans. |
Employers must offer a GCHRA with a group health policy. |
Individual health policies permitted |
Yes. |
Yes. Employees must have individual health insurance policies to participate in the ICHRA. |
No. |
Premium tax credit coordination requirements |
If the employee’s QSEHRA allowance is affordable, they can’t collect their tax credits. If their QSEHRA allowance is unaffordable, employees must reduce their premium tax credit by the amount of their HRA allowance. |
Employees can't collect premium tax credits and participate in the ICHRA. However, if the ICHRA allowance is considered unaffordable, employees may waive the HRA and collect the credits. |
N/A. These HRAs can’t reimburse employees for individual premiums. |
Medical expenses available for reimbursement |
Any or all items outlined in IRS Publication 502. |
Any or all items outlined in IRS Publication 502. |
Any or all items listed in IRS Publication 502 except for insurance premiums. |
Employee eligibility guidelines | All full-time employees are eligible. Businesses can decide on part-time employee eligibility. |
Businesses can decide on eligibility based on 11 different employee classes. |
Employees must enroll in the group health plan. |
Why defined contribution health plans work
Defined contribution health plans work for employers and employees because:
- Individual health insurance costs 20% - 60% less than comparable group health coverage. The employer's healthcare dollars go further.
- Contributions are tax-deductible to the employer, and employees receive reimbursements tax-free.
- The employer gains fiscal control and predictability over their health benefits budget.
- There are no minimum or maximum contribution amounts—depending on the HRA offered—and no minimum participation requirements.
- Employees have control over their individual health insurance plans, enabling them to make consumer-driven choices.
Depending on the plan and their income level, employees may have access to premium tax credit subsidies through the insurance marketplace or their state exchange.
Design requirements for defined contribution health plans
There are two key questions to ask when designing your health plan.
When will the plan year start?
Your organization can decide when your defined contribution plan will start. For many organizations, this is at the beginning of the year, but it doesn't have to be.
How much will you provide each month?
You probably already have a budget in mind for health benefits. Within this budget, how will you divide up employees' monthly allowances? If you offer an HRA, you will come up with a monthly allowance that employees can use toward health expenses.
With an ICHRA, you can provide the same monthly allowance amount to all employees or different monthly allowances to different types/classes of employees. The employee classes must be based on job-based criteria such as job title, location, etc.
An ICHRA also allows you to provide an ICHRA to only certain employee classes, such as part-time or hourly employees, while still offering a group health insurance policy to a different employee class, such as salaried employees.
You can also vary the allowance amounts by family status on any HRA.
Compliance requirements for defined contribution health plans
The federal government considers Section 105 Plans as group health plans. As such, they must comply with IRS, HIPAA, COBRA, ERISA, and ACA regulations.
This section details compliance requirements that may impact your health benefit options.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements
The IRS has many rules that organizations must satisfy for benefits, such as HRAs, to be tax-advantaged.
The IRS requires the following:
- Documentation: The IRS requires that employees submit proper documentation verifying their claim for reimbursement and that employers save supporting documentation on file for ten years.
- Eligible expenses: The IRS maintains the list of HRA- and HSA-eligible expenses. You may only reimburse employees for these qualifying expenses.
- Nondiscrimination: Defined contribution health plans must comply with nondiscrimination rules. The rules state the plan must not discriminate in favor of highly compensated individuals (HCIs) with respect to eligibility to participate in the plan or benefits provided under the plan.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
HIPAA rules apply to defined contribution health plans. To administer a plan correctly, the entity processing employee reimbursement claims receives protected health information (PHI) that the government requires you to hold confidentially.
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
For plans with 20 or more participants, employers must give terminated employees the option to continue their participation in the plan for a period after termination and may charge an employee up to 102% of the value of their allowance if COBRA is elected. Many states have their own COBRA laws that apply to smaller organizations.
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
ERISA rules apply to all formal health benefits, including traditional group health insurance and HRAs.
ERISA requires every welfare plan to have a summary plan description (SPD) and to furnish copies to each participant.
ERISA also requires that employers establish and maintain written plan documents. Plan documents define what expenses are eligible for reimbursement, the amount of employer contribution, and other required details about the reimbursement plan. If you administer your HRA through PeopleKeep, we automatically generate your plan documents.
The U.S. federal government also has specific regulations employers must comply with to reimburse employees for individual health insurance premiums without triggering ERISA plan status for the individual health insurance policies. For example, the employer must not endorse specific individual health insurance policies or pay directly for them.
Affordable Care Act (ACA) rules
There are a variety of ACA regulations that apply to defined contribution plans.
ACA rules to know include:
- Annual limit compliance: Section 2711 of the Public Health Services (PHS) Act, as added by the ACA, provides that no annual or lifetime limits may be placed on essential health benefits (EHB). The act provides that annual limits and lifetime limits may be placed on benefits that are not EHB, such as health insurance premiums.
- Preventive care compliance: Section 2713 of the PHS Act requires group health plans (including defined contribution plans) to cover basic preventive health services without cost-sharing.
- 90-day waiting period compliance: The ACA prohibits waiting periods longer than 90 days for eligible employees.
- Internal and external claims appeal process: The ACA added new requirements to the internal and external appeal process, including how and when procedures are communicated to plan participants.
- Dependent coverage for adult children up to age 26: Section 2714 of the PHS Act provides that group health plans (including defined contribution plans) that make available dependent coverage for children must make such coverage available for children until 26 years of age.
- Uniform explanation of coverage and definitions: The ACA requires that group health plans, participants, and beneficiaries receive a standardized summary of benefits and coverage (SBC) and a set of uniform definitions (uniform glossary), both of which must conform to requirements outlined in the ACA and existing regulations.
- PCORI fee: The ACA includes a research fee that individual health insurance plan sponsors must pay annually via IRS Form 720.
- 60-day notice of material modification: The ACA requires employers to provide 60 days of advance notice to participants when making material modifications to their group health plan.
How do you manage a defined contribution health plan?
If your organization decides to offer an HRA to your employees, you have three options:
- Self-administration of your health benefits
- Use a third-party administrator (TPA) to ensure compliance
- Use a software solution
If you decide to manage your defined contribution health plan on your own, you take on all of the various responsibilities and liabilities for those benefits, including compliance.
Many organizations choose a third-party service or software solution to avoid this risk and ensure proper compliance.
With PeopleKeep, you can keep complete ownership of your HRA while taking advantage of our award-winning customer support and easy-to-use platform. We’ll generate legal plan documents and review all of your employees’ reimbursement requests to ensure compliance with federal regulations.
Background on defined contribution plans (DCPs) and employee health benefits
In the 1970s many U.S. employers were statistically bankrupt due to the expected cost of their defined benefit retirement programs. Starting in the 1980s, employers switched to affordable "defined contribution" (vs. defined benefit) retirement programs which today cover more than 100 million Americans.
Today, employers face a similar situation in the employee health benefits space as they did previously with defined benefit retirement plans. Traditionally, employers have offered a defined benefit "group health insurance plan" in which the business decides the insurance benefits to be provided and select the benefit provider (carrier). This approach does little to limit annual increases in an unsustainable and unpredictable environment
Defined contribution plans provide both cost certainty and simplicity. Similar to how 401(k)s transformed the retiree benefits landscape, employers will be able to achieve cost-certainty while providing access to affordable, quality and portable health insurance. It's like a 401k for health benefits. Rather than defining the benefit to be provided, an employer contributes a defined dollar amount (the "defined contribution") and employees decide which individual health coverage to buy. Essentially, DCPs allow employers to get out of the health insurance business, and focus on their core business.
Frequently asked questions about defined contribution
Can you offer health insurance to only certain employees?
Depending on the plan you choose to offer, you can make the health benefit available to certain classes of employees only. For example, with an ICHRA, you can offer different allowances to employees in different job-based groups. To learn more, see our article on employee eligibility.
What is the difference between an HRA and an HSA?
The major difference between HRAs and HSAs is that the business owns the HRA while the employee owns the HSA. In addition, an HRA is a reimbursement arrangement between an employer and an employee, whereas an HSA is a savings account owned by the employee. To learn more, see our article on HRAs vs. HSAs.
Can I have an HRA and an HSA at the same time?
Yes! Unique rules apply to users, especially regarding what items are available for reimbursement when an HSA is in place. To learn more, read our articles on using a QSEHRA and HSA together and using an ICHRA and HSA together.
What can an HRA reimburse?
HRAs can reimburse many healthcare products and services, including the following types of insurance premiums, provided they were not already paid with pre-tax dollars:
- Major medical individual health insurance premiums
- Dental care and vision care premiums
- Qualified ancillary premiums (e.g., accident policies)
- Medicare Part A or B, Medicare HMO, and employer-sponsored health insurance premiums
- Medicare Advantage and Supplement premiums
- COBRA premiums.
To learn more, read our article on what expenses an HRA can reimburse.

Looking to add a defined contribution health plan to your benefits package?
Speak with a PeopleKeep personalized benefits advisor who can help you answer questions and select the right health benefit for your team.