The traditional healthcare benefits option for employers remains group health insurance. But, group policies are difficult for small employers to offer. That’s why more small business owners are turning to more cost-effective personalized benefits like the qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangement (QSEHRA).
The introduction of the QSEHRA in 2016 gave small business owners access to an affordable and flexible health benefit. As an alternative to a group health plan, the QSEHRA has grown popular among employers. But if you’re unsure which option is best for your organization, you may want to compare the two employee benefits first.
This guide will explain the differences between the QSEHRA and group health insurance. We’ll also compare the two health benefits in a comprehensive chart.
In this blog post, you’ll learn:
- The critical differences between QSEHRA and group health insurance.
- The financial implications of each benefit type.
- The ease of administration associated with QSEHRA compared to group health plans.
First, let’s briefly review how a QSEHRA works. A QSEHRA is for employers with fewer than 50 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) who don't offer a group health or ancillary plan. With this type of HRA, small employers can reimburse employees tax-free for their individual health insurance premiums and other qualified out-of-pocket medical costs.
With a QSEHRA, you set a monthly allowance for your employees. This is the most you’ll spend on reimbursements for monthly premiums and other medical care expenses. Once employees make an approved purchase, you reimburse them tax-free up to their set allowance amount.
HRAs are employer-owned, so only you can fund them. The QSEHRA has no minimum contribution requirements. But, the IRS sets annual maximum contribution limits. Because of its flexibility, the QSEHRA is an excellent solution for small businesses looking for a quality health benefit that won’t blow their budget.
Next, we’ll discuss group health insurance. A group health plan is an insurance policy employers buy and offer their employees. Employees can enroll in this type of plan at a reduced rate because insurers spread risk across the entire group. Individuals can’t buy group coverage on their own—it’s only available to a group.
Most employers offer a major medical group plan, such as a health maintenance organization (HMO) policy, preferred provider organization (PPO) plan, or another type of policy.
Employers can buy a group plan from a health insurance company, licensed agent, or broker. In some states, smaller employers can buy a small group plan on the Small Business Health Options (SHOP) marketplace.
Group health insurance covers 153 million Americans. Because most individuals are familiar with how it works, it continues to be a popular health benefit for employers of all sizes.
Choosing the right health benefit can go a long way toward attracting and retaining key employees in a competitive job market. So before you decide between offering the QSEHRA or group health insurance at your company, let’s go into detail about how they compare.
In most states, employers with 1-50 employees can buy small group health insurance on the SHOP Marketplace. The SHOP Marketplace helps small employers provide secure, affordable health coverage. But there are eligibility requirements.
Below are the eligibility rules small employers must follow to buy a SHOP plan1:
Employers ineligible for a SHOP plan can enroll in traditional group health coverage directly from a private insurance company as long as they meet the participation requirements and can afford the premiums.
To avoid the eligibility requirements that come with group health plans, small employers can offer a QSEHRA.
The following are the eligibility requirements for QSEHRAs:
Group plans have limited flexibility, especially if you have a diverse workforce.
Here are some potential flexibility concerns that come with group plans:
If you want to offer a flexible benefit, a QSEHRA is the better choice. You can customize it and support your employees—regardless of their specific needs.
Here’s a snapshot of how a flexible QSEHRA can work for your organization:
Group health insurance is sometimes less expensive for employees than other coverage options. This is because the risk spreads among the entire group and because their employer contributes toward the cost of their premium. But it’s generally still a costly option for small employers because they have a smaller group.
Let’s look at the general cost of group health insurance below:
In contrast, QSEHRAs don’t require employers to buy a group plan. So, they’ll save on premiums and avoid rising healthcare costs.
Here’s a look at how cost works with a QSEHRA:
Employees who have employer-sponsored group coverage are usually ineligible to receive premium tax credits. That’s because credits are only available to individuals who have unaffordable coverage. Most times, traditional group plans meet the ACA affordability requirements so employees can’t qualify for credits.
However, on the rare chance that an employee has unaffordable group coverage, they may be able to qualify for premium tax credits.
Check out how employees with unaffordable group plans can leverage premium tax credits in the section below:
HRA allowances pay for monthly health insurance premiums with tax-free money. Therefore, eligible employees must coordinate their QSEHRA allowance with tax credits. Similar to group health plans, this depends on affordability.
Let’s see how employees must coordinate their QSEHRA with tax credits:
Even though many employers offer group health insurance, it can be time-consuming and complex to administer. This is especially true for small employers with limited resources and budgets.
Learn what you need to know about administering a group health plan below:
You must manage a QSEHRA properly to avoid compliance issues and deliver the most value for your employees. You can self-administer a QSEHRA. But, using an HRA administrator, like PeopleKeep, is easier for small employers. Plus, it will save you time and help reduce errors.
Here’s how PeopleKeep can help you manage your QSEHRA benefit:
The chart below recaps the key differences between the QSEHRA and group health insurance.
Group health insurance |
What is it? |
With a QSEHRA, small employers can reimburse eligible employees tax-free for their individual health plan premiums and other qualified medical expenses. |
A traditional group health plan is an insurance policy employers buy and offer their employees. Employees split a portion of their premium costs with their employers. |
Employer eligibility requirements |
The QSEHRA is for employers with fewer than 50 FTEs that don’t offer a group health or ancillary plan. Employers must have at least one full-time W-2 employee. |
In most states, employers with 1-50 employees can buy a small group health insurance plan through the SHOP Marketplace or their state-based exchange. |
Employee eligibility |
All full-time W-2 employees are automatically eligible for the benefit. Employers can also invite part-time workers to join. Employees must have a health plan with MEC to participate. |
Employers must offer a SHOP small group plan to all their full-time employees. They can choose to include part-time workers as well. |
Annual allowance caps |
The 2025 maximum employer contribution limits are $6,350 for self-only employees and $12,800 for those with a family. Employers can vary allowances by family status, age, and family size. |
N/A |
Flexibility |
Employees with a QSEHRA can choose their own individual health insurance policy. Additionally, employers can choose their preferred eligible expenses for reimbursement and support remote workers regardless of location. |
Employees usually only have the choice of one group policy. Employers must also meet strict participation requirements. |
What is the average employer cost? |
The cost of the QSEHRA varies depending on your chosen allowance amount. If you administer your benefit with a TPA or HRA software, you may also have annual service fees. However, employers only pay employees for medical care after they approve an eligible expense. |
Group plan premiums generally vary depending on the percentage of the premium the employer covers, plan type, location, employees’ ages, and other factors. However, group plans generally have rate hikes yearly, which can be too costly for small business owners. |
Tax credit guidelines |
Employees with a QSEHRA can collect their premium tax credits if their allowance is unaffordable. But, the amount of their QSEHRA allowance will reduce their premium tax credit. |
Employers who enroll in a plan through the SHOP Marketplace may qualify for the small business health care tax credit. Employees may be eligible for premium tax credits if their group health plan is unaffordable. |
Administrative burden |
HRA administration software like PeopleKeep can save you from managing the most time-consuming tasks. These tasks include preparing and updating legal documents, reviewing reimbursements, tracking compliance regulation changes, and more. You and your employees can access our customer support team if you have questions or need help. |
Group health insurance plans require constant communication between the employer, health insurance company, and employees. You’ll also have to manage complex annual benefit renewals, review plan changes, negotiate premium costs, and research new policies. These responsibilities can be challenging for small employers with limited HR teams. |
While many large employers still offer group health insurance, it may not be the best choice for small business owners. Group plans are costly, rigid, and time-consuming to administer. Plus, they may not meet your diverse staff’s unique needs. Instead, a QSEHRA is an attractive alternative to group health plans that gives your employees greater control over their healthcare outcomes while saving your company money.
If you’re a small business owner looking to offer a QSEHRA, PeopleKeep has what you need. With our HRA administration software, we’ll help you manage your QSEHRA benefit quickly and easily so you can spend your valuable time running your business. Have a conversation with one of our HRA specialists today, and we’ll get you started!
1. SHOP eligibility
2. KFF's 2023 Employer Health Benefit Survey